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We provide hands-on support in strategy, leadership, sales, recruitment, HR, data science and technology to help our partners enhance product offerings, reach new markets and ensure recurring revenues.
We have knowledge and experience across several verticals
Starting with our investment in Kontali we are looking to expand our postion as a leading market intelligence provider within aquaculture and seafood. We are looking for companies with deep industry knowledge and capabilities that could complement Kontali.
The transition path toward net zero emissions and growth in renewable energy enables many data and insight related investment opportunities. We have made a start in Veyt and are looking actively for further investments.
We are particularly fond of big data problems and within IoT and cyber security the data easily gets sufficiently large to create value and insight from machine intelligence and data visulisations. With Utel we have a starting point and are looking for our next investments.
It´s becoming a necessity for companies to provide transparency on climate their footprint and fair conditions for workers across their supply chain. With Factlines we aim to create a company helping companies manage their supply chains, report on the EU Taxonomy and product life cycle analysis.
We also have an interest in consultancies and analysts with unique domain insight, market data for commodities, news portals, market trading portals, market analysis, predictive analysis and more.