Alytic's statement according to the Norwegian Transparency Act for 2024



General information

Alytic is an investment company established in 2020. We currently have 4 companies in our portfolio: Kontali, Utel, Veyt and Factlines. In Alytic we invest to create a positive impact for the society, companies, and teams we engage in. Our investments are made in companies where data and knowledge are vital in the​ value proposition.​ Our majority owner is Arendals Fossekompani ASA.

Guidelines and routines

Our Code of Conduct has been developed and adopted to secure that the company’s vision and high ethical standards are complied with by everyone associated with the company. The Code of Conduct shall be a tool to live up to the company’s ethical standards, self-evaluation, as well as a basis for the company’s identity. Our suppliers are made aware of our code of conduct and are required to act in accordance with these.

We have implemented a Whistleblowing policy in Alytic. Openness and transparency are essential for the workplace environment and general well-being of our employees. Our employees are therefore encouraged to report if they suspect or witness any unethical conduct, breach of the Code of Conduct or other policies, or applicable law.

Policy for handling requests of information – The Transparency Act

VP People & culture has the responsibility to handle all incoming requests, possibly in cooperation withother relevant colleagues. Accordingto the law, everyone has the right to information about how Alytic prevents and handlesnegative consequences on basic human rights and decent working conditions. Inquiries are handled continuously and answered within 3 weeks.

Our routines and guidelines are aligned with the guidelines of Arendals Fossekompani ASA.


Alytic is covered by the Transparency act, and we are obliged to report on our due diligence assessment. The statement must be published and easily accessible on our website and updated by June 30th each year and otherwise in the event of significant changes in our risk assessments.The purpose of the statement is to provide the public with insight into our key findings in the due diligence assessments, and the measures that have been implemented.

In our work with the Transparency Act and the due diligence process, we use Factlines' digital solution and services. Factlines is a Norwegian-owned, independent company which specializes in following up ethical, social, and environmental requirements in supply chains. Factlines advises, develops, and produces services with digital support to obtain effective and verifiable information directly from suppliers and subcontractors.

Alytic collects information annually from suppliers in the form of self-reporting. self-reporting is based on the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct and is in line with the due diligence process required by the Transparency Act.

The self-reporting includes the following topics:

  • Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategy and Guidelines
  • Supply chain: follow-up, insight, and control
  • Risk and due diligence assessments
  • Country risk
  • Management systems
  • Working conditions
  • People and environment
  • Conflict minerals
  • Anti-corruption

The collection provides a basis for analysis of whether good practice has been established to comply with the Transparency Act, Section 5 of the Public Procurement Act and the company's own contractual provisions. If self-reporting or other indicators indicate deviations, these will be followed up.

Due diligence assessment- findings

Through our due diligence assessments, we have not uncovered findings of actual negative consequences or significant risk of negative consequences. Our suppliers have mostly geographical affiliation in Norway and Alytic has limited influence on many of our suppliers. The response rate to our surveys has so far been low, and this is a potential risk that we will follow up.


We have initiated follow-up measures on our answered surveys for deeper insight into our suppliers' existing routines. Measures will be followed up continuously and automated throughout the year.

Planned actions: The low response rate to our surveys will be a priority area for us in the future by providing better contact information with our suppliers.

Continuous Improvement

We recognize that the due diligence assessment is an ongoing process, and we strive to continuously improve our practices. We review and update our assessment and risk mitigation measures to align with evolving best practices, legal requirements, and stakeholder expectations.

Arendal 27.06.24

Espen Zachariassen

CEO Alytic